Assessment Saturday
Assessment Saturday
Kicking off Assessment Saturday! Assessments are about defining your perspective and determining your effectiveness. How do your goals and effectiveness relate to your big picture?
I think it can be hard to assess what activities are effective sometimes early on when you don’t know what pay’s off. This is where the long game and consistency comes in. It’s about setting intervals for activities, sticking to those intervals and then automating so the system runs itself. One of my goals right now that I’m already seeing payoff is posting to social media channels everyday for @bluefrogpartyclub. Until recently, it’s been super hard for me to come up with content and ideas on what to post about, but I am focused now thanks to a lot of input I’ve gotten from my network over the past couple months!
My goal is to have the content calendar filled out until the end of the year by November 1st. This will hopefully free up a lot of bandwidth to get strategic and think big picture like I want to for next year. With all that being said I think being effective is about creating. If you’re creating something new and putting it out in the world, you learn over time what will payoff and what won’t. Once you have everything batched, you can do mini assessments as you go along (i.e. every Saturday) and make sure what you have automated is working.
I think this works similarly with fitness. You don’t just walk into the gym everyday and think 💭 what am I going to do today? You develop a workout plan for the next 4-12 weeks and execute. Assessing whether the workouts are giving you the results you wanted or not.
Let’s set some goals today for the rest of the year and crush them!