Kris Levy

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Focusing on the Small Things

This is a trail by my house that I hit everyday, either on a run, a ruck, or just a walk. Sometimes twice a day.

What’s fun to see is how this landscape looks different every day, and at different times of the day.

Also it’s fun to see how the weather changes this view. I was reading somewhere that to make it through an isolation like this, it helps if you track something, something you see constantly, and can notice the small nuances of change.

This trail has shown me those small nuances, and has served as a daily reminder that life goes on, and change is a part of that. I don’t know what changes are coming next, but I do know this view right here is not going to fundamentally change, at least not in my lifetime.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep perspective while inside the four walls. Having a place to physically go to keep a grip on reality has helped me immensely and kept me grounded. I hope it does the same for you.

Safe adventures this week to all.


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