Kris Levy

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Positive and Negative Attention

Hey listen to this. You need to hear this. If you are going to do epic shit, if you’re going to push the limits. You’re going to start getting attention. Some of it will be positive and some of it will be negative.

It’s how you choose to react (not reacting is a reaction) that matter for you, your journey and your story.

If you keep your faith in yourself, in why you’re doing what you’re doing and God, you cant go wrong.

But yes you will fail. Everyday. But those failures over time add up to great wins and successes.

So enjoy the process of learning how to really open up your voice and let yourself be heard, of finding new ways to express yourself, and new ways to be you.

With each new failure we learn something new about ourselves that can’t be learned by sitting down, being quit and not taking a risk.

It’s on the fringe, in our uncomfortable zone that we truly become ourselves.

Here’s to being more true to myself and expressing who I am, and enjoying the process of figuring it out as I go.


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