Kris Levy

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Don’t conform to your environment, but transform out of it to become the person you need to become. To become the person that your people need you to become. To evolve into the person you want to become. To transform into the person that your destined to become.

How do we transform? Sometimes we get tied down or constrained by our emotions and feelings. When those feels hit you hard, ask yourself whether you’re going to conform to what your environment is making you feel, or if you’re going to make a decision and rise above it like a Phoenix to transform into the person this experience is making you.

Next time those feels attack, accept them for what they are, as temporary and refocus on what’s important now (WIN) and watch those feels pass right on by. Because if we remember where we are going, we can remind ourselves not take detours that will set us off course.

That’s how we transform. Just piece by piece in each little moment of every day. Making one decision today that’s a little better than the decision we made yesterday that leads to a little more action than the action we executed on yesterday.

It may be Saturday, but there’s still plenty of work to be done.


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