Kris Levy

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What is My Fascination with Wine?!

A lot of people ask me what my fascination with wine is. So I thought I’d take a moment to share with you what keeps me always coming back for more:⠀

Wine absolutely intrigues me. I love stories, especially about wine, and I love seeing where myth, legend and history all blend together to become the story behind a varietal, vineyard, or even a singular vintage.⠀

To me, wine is infinitely complex. It’s uncharted territory. I could spend a lifetime learning everything about wine and never know everything. Which makes it my final frontier. It’s not about how much I learn about wine. It’s about the process of learning about all the wines. It’s the person I can become by focusing on wine and learning what I can.⠀

Lastly, wine is just fun. It’s fun to taste, fun to try and compare different styles, and there’s never a lack of options and varieties. To some people wine can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. I think the trick is just start tasting and learning. That’s the fun part.⠀

What do you enjoy most about wine?


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