Wine: Weekly Download


Just catching up with last weekend, and dropping a weekly wine download.

Found THE spot at The Cheese Shop in Carmel!

Three wines and some cheese for $16? Let’s just say, I’ll be spending a lot time in Carmel...

Also checked out Scheid Vineyards’ tasting room in Carmel, which was a blast.

Quick tip from Kris’s Wine Sense:

A lot of tasting rooms in the US (will have to cover tasting rooms in Europe in a separate post) have a standard tasting menu and an estate or reserve tasting menu.

I personally don’t do an estate or reserve tasting menu until I’ve tried the standard tasting menu, because if the wines on the standard tasting menu don’t grab my attention or are something I enjoy, I don’t see myself spending the money on the reserve.

On the flip side, sometimes tasting rooms will have wines and wine styles on the reserve menu that you might not be able to taste on the standard menu, so take those opportunities to try the things that you enjoy!

Be intentional with your palate and your pocket book, and try stuff that you’re interested in and drawn too. . Also, don’t be afraid to push the limits, and try something that is outside your comfort zone!



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