Learning to Love Failing

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Learning to Love Failing

I love failing. Literally over and over again. I’ve failed so much this year and it’s been literally some of the best things that’s happened to me. I’ve noticed a trend that out of my greatest failures haven’t come my greatest successes but my greatest growth. I haven’t succeeded yet, or achieved success yet. I haven’t nailed it yet. But what I have nailed is myself. I understand myself way more than than I did a year ago. And I’ve developed a process to assess myself and learn more about me, myself and I.

I’ve noticed some trends:

1. I don’t like to be consistent with the small things. I have really bad scatterbrain and get really good ideas everyday. So I’m slowly learning how to focus on what I’m making an active decision to commit to. 

2. I’m really good at seeing the big picture and the long game, but really bad at translating that into individual tasks that need to be taken everyday to accomplish those “big visions”. I’m working on it. See above.

3. Process. This is a big one. Have to have processes and systems and lay them out on. I like where some of my systems and processes are at, but I need to create a process to assess the overall system (see 2). I’m going to start devoting a whole day a week to assess metrics, goals and progress. No work just assessments. I think it’ll be good to assess everything on a holistic view.

Until I do nail it, I’ll be smiling til it hurts (or my face cramps).

What do you struggle with right now?

What do you hope to get better at?

I love connecting! Hit me up on Instagram!