
Travel and Measuring Up


If there's anything I've learned about travel, never fall into the trap of legalism. It's never about how many stamps you have on your passport, or what you think you have to do based on what your friends told you they did, what matters is how you travel, and the process you go through during your travels.

Travel speaks to all of us in different ways.

It shows us things about ourselves that we've buried deep, and other things that we never knew were there.

So If we keep focusing on our so called "metrics" of how much we travel, instead of the process of how we lived during our travels, then we become victims to our own devices.

Next time you travel, try focusing on how you spend your time with yourself, I mean really dig deep there and see what's inside.

Then have faith, because the rest will work itself out.


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You Can't Quantify Happiness

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Looking back at my last day in the French Riviera a couple weekends ago was a flood of emotions and memories, but I realized also it’s important while I was reflecting because it represents country #21 for me.

There’s a shift right now in our cultures to move away from quantifying things. People are saying you can’t quantify things like happiness, and can’t put a number on fulfillment. While I do agree you can’t quantify your entire life, and that it doesn’t come down to any one number, I think metrics are super important, and help me bring abstract ideas like success and fulfillment into reality.

That’s why I track the number of countries I’ve been to. It’s not just the number itself, but what it represents. All the amazing memories I’ve made in the 21 countries I’ve been to so far. It also gives me metrics to identify if I am on the right track, If I’m headed down the right path, because I can assess how I feel about myself and others as my metrics change throughout my own personal journey. It gives me focus and helps me prioritize my resources like my time.

While we can’t quantify all aspects of our lives, keeping track of certain metrics that are important to us help us in each of our individual journeys.

What numbers are you tracking and do you find helpful in your journey? .


Book a Free Strategy Call with Kris or shoot him an email!

Learn more about how you can Travel with Kris

Join my community, THE WIN CLUB, and finally WIN!

Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin.

Learning to Love Failing

Learning to Love Failing

I love failing. Literally over and over again. I’ve failed so much this year and it’s been literally some of the best things that’s happened to me. I’ve noticed a trend that out of my greatest failures haven’t come my greatest successes but my greatest growth. I haven’t succeeded yet, or achieved success yet. I haven’t nailed it yet. But what I have nailed is myself. I understand myself way more than than I did a year ago. And I’ve developed a process to assess myself and learn more about me, myself and I.