Enjoy the Moment

Travel and Measuring Up


If there's anything I've learned about travel, never fall into the trap of legalism. It's never about how many stamps you have on your passport, or what you think you have to do based on what your friends told you they did, what matters is how you travel, and the process you go through during your travels.

Travel speaks to all of us in different ways.

It shows us things about ourselves that we've buried deep, and other things that we never knew were there.

So If we keep focusing on our so called "metrics" of how much we travel, instead of the process of how we lived during our travels, then we become victims to our own devices.

Next time you travel, try focusing on how you spend your time with yourself, I mean really dig deep there and see what's inside.

Then have faith, because the rest will work itself out.


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Find the Magic in Every Day

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

We can't always be in the places we want to with the people we want to, but we can focus on our surroundings and seek the beauty we find near us.

Finding the magic in our daily lives keeps things fresh when everything goes stagnant, and prevents us from getting complacent.

Seeing what truly is around us gives us a greater sense of gratitude, that makes us even more grateful for those few moments we get to spend with those who make our worlds whole.

Grateful this week for the awesome memories I've shared with some amazing people in the past month, but also really enjoying the daily process of moving forward, and seeing what great views and allure lie around the next corner.

Being home always fills me up with the things I need, but gets me hungry for what's coming next.

Explore more today and find the enchantment that is always around you.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Book a Free Strategy Call with Kris or shoot him an email!

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Relish the Little Moments

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

This shot right here for me is slowly turning into the money shot. Because no other moment is as good as the moment you’re in right here right now. Learning to relish in these little moments because they are peaceful, and ground me before my day goes underway and I lose focus of the peace I had in the morning.

So take these moments for what they are to gain your mental focus and clarity for the day, then go on the offensive. Attack everything that’s on your agenda with relentlessness, violence of action, knowing that you’ll hopefully have an opportunity to reset tomorrow with another one of these moments that will recharge you and reset you and get you ready to attack again.


Book a Free Strategy Call with Kris or shoot him an email!

Learn more about how you can Travel with Kris

Join my community, THE WIN CLUB, and finally WIN!

Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin.

Stop and Smell the Roses

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Taking a moment to take it all in doesn’t take up more of our time that could of been devoted to our other priorities.

It gives us the time, space, and mental clarity to hyper focus on the day ahead, the tasks at hand, and the people important to us. It’s the calm before the storm that prepares us for the chaos ahead.

Take those moments where you can, because sometimes we don’t know when the next one of those moments will come.


Book a Free Strategy Call with Kris or shoot him an email!

Learn more about how you can Travel with Kris

Join my community, THE WIN CLUB, and finally WIN!

Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin.