
The Point of Resistance

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

We all know what it is; we've been there many times before, often several times in the same day.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The point of resistance is that fleeting moment where the task at hand will either get done or it won't.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It's that point where the task has already been started, but is not quite finished.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It's the point where if overcome, the task will get done.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
While we can often seen the point of resistance on the horizon, it's often quite a lot closer than it appears.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We all have a point of resistance in our lives right now.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Multiple points of resistance exist in some of our lives, that we meet at different times in our day.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Points of resistance are different for everybody; some are big and harder to overcome than others.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Some need just hard, physical work to get through.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Others can be overcome through a simple mindset shift, or thinking outside the box.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I don't know what it will take for you to overcome your points of resistance.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
But I can say enjoying that moment, taking step forward into it, and really relishing being there, celebrating you've not only come this far, but are able to recognize the obstacle, all of these help.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Get focused.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Bring your awareness into the moment,⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Feel the resistance that's building up.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Laugh in the face of the resistance because you know you've been here so many times before, and every single time, it's just a little bit different than the last.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Then resolve to conquer it.

Tame it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Overwhelm it, defeat it, conquer it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Then look up, because the next one is coming.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The question is, will you overcome the point of resistance, or will you let it overcome you?


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Rolf Potts: Vagabonding


“Vagabonding is an attitude—a friendly interest in people, places, and things that makes a person an explorer in the truest, most vivid sense of the word. Vagabonding is not a lifestyle, nor is it a trend. It’s just an uncommon way of looking at life—a value adjustment from which action naturally follows. And, as much as anything, vagabonding is about time—our only real commodity—and how we choose to use it.”― Rolf Potts, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel || Point Clear, AL ||

While we can't travel right now, we can take on an attitude of openness that comes from traveling, and keep our minds open to the new things that still are coming are way right now, despite our best efforts to not see them.


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A Little Altitude, A Lot of Perspective

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Sometimes you need a little altitude to get some perspective.

Went for a nice trail run (more like trail walk with over 1800 feet of vertical) off of Highway 1 on Friday which did so much for my mind, my body, and my spirit.

We can't let isolation, or the current situation bring us down.

After looking at some of the photos I got, this one really spoke to me, and how you can faintly make out the trail ahead, and tipping the hat to the mountains to come.

There will still be many trials and tribulations (and hopefully trails) ahead, but I'm especially hopeful on a day like today that the path will continue to be carved out of the side of mountains that we all climb together.

Happy Easter, for He is risen!


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Focusing on the Small Things

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

This is a trail by my house that I hit everyday, either on a run, a ruck, or just a walk. Sometimes twice a day.

What’s fun to see is how this landscape looks different every day, and at different times of the day.

Also it’s fun to see how the weather changes this view. I was reading somewhere that to make it through an isolation like this, it helps if you track something, something you see constantly, and can notice the small nuances of change.

This trail has shown me those small nuances, and has served as a daily reminder that life goes on, and change is a part of that. I don’t know what changes are coming next, but I do know this view right here is not going to fundamentally change, at least not in my lifetime.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep perspective while inside the four walls. Having a place to physically go to keep a grip on reality has helped me immensely and kept me grounded. I hope it does the same for you.

Safe adventures this week to all.


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Sandy Beaches and Ocean Breezes

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Day dreaming right now about sandy beaches and ocean breezes.

While adventures outside of the house have to be curtailed right now, our sense of adventure does not have to change.

Maybe the paths we are on right now look a little different than what we expected, but we are still on our paths and that is adventure in its purest form.

Maybe our adventures are finding novelty in our current situation.

Its not easy, but what great adventures are ever easy?

I will still long for the day to come where I get to explore this great world once more, but until then I will relentlessly find ways to continue on my path.

I can't give you what you think your adventures should look like right now, all I can say is there still is a path in front of you, and the choice to continue along it is up to you.

Safe adventures this week and every week.


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Move to Get To a Place That Will Move You

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Last night's sunset on the beach was amazing.

And I didn't get to see it!

Looking at this photo this morning (and doing some light* editing) allowed me to appreciate how far I've come. . I think early last year, I had a little bit of a mantra "Do things that excite you".

If I could go back in time and give myself an updated mantra last year it would be "Don't just do things that excite you; do things that move you."

Sometimes you have to move to get a place that will move you.

All I could think about yesterday, literally all day, was hitting the beach in my new locale.

I got home late yesterday, and I felt discouraged because the sun had literally just set as I got home.

But I didn't want to lose an opportunity, so I threw on my running shoes and got out to the beach.

Would this photo have been better if I had gotten to the beach right before sunset?


But the point is I didn't, and enjoyed these views just as much if not more because I chose to go for that run.

Move to places that move you, and do it imperfectly, because it's those imperfections that make life way more interesting.


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Looking Forward to Monday...?


Monday Mornings aren't about looking back at what happened last week.

It's about what you have to look forward to this week.

There's something beautiful in the grind, knowing that we are building something brick by brick, and that each week gets us to a new level.

But getting to the next level doesn't take massive plans, endless hours of grinding, or new gear.

It takes one step, or one decision.

It's that moment before everything begins for the week, that moment where we choose to get better.

It's that moment right after when everything that's going to happen this week and everything that you think you have to do floods your mind and starts pulling away from your focus, you wipe the slate clean and choose that one thing, that one priority, that one step that is going to get you closer to your next level.

Taking a moment to feel the overwhelm is fine, it keeps you grounded, and makes you feel like a human, and reminds you that you have real responsibilities to your people and your self.

But when let it all go and burn that one next step in your mind, let yourself rise to the next level for the week, that's when you become superhuman.

People take notice when you have a singular mind, and that one next objective clearing in view.

Some will say you’re distant, cold even.

Others will say they feel inspired.

But other's views don't matter to you.

Because they aren't apart of the one thing, the one step, the one choice that only matters right now.

Clear your mind, make the decision, find the next step on your path, and get to the next level this week.


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It Takes Work (but You Got This!)

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

No matter where you’re at, no matter what dark hole you find yourself at the bottom of, no matter what corner of the planet or galaxy you find you yourself in, you can get back, you can get home, you can pull yourself out.

It takes work. It takes doing a shit ton of things that don’t make sense at the time. Knowing that they’ll pay off down the road. It takes looking into yourself and seeing what’s there, doing an assessment and working with what you got.⠀

I can’t promise you you’ll end up where you think you’re suppose to be, but if you do the work, and let him work, you’ll end up where you’re meant to be. Because it’s something greater than your journey, or your path. It’s your destiny. And your time is now, because you’re alive right now, so go out and seize it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


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New Month, New Year, New Decade


Had such a great holiday week enjoying family time in the desert.

There's something about this place, almost like an oasis, that helps you rest and feel ready to take on the next challenge when you leave.

It's also a bit of a paradox, seeing mountains covered in snow as the backdrop for palm trees.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

As this chapter comes to a close, spending a week in a place as beautiful as Palm Springs is the perfect way to end it.

Now it's time to get back to work, as a new set of mountains to climb are upon us!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Safe travels to all this week as we all move into a new month, new year and new decade! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


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Live in the Present

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” - Henry David Thoreau || Joshua Tree National Park, CA, USA ||


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New Mountains to Conquer

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Finding new mountains to conquer remains a critical component to the eternal quest of getting better.

Success and achievement don't equate to fulfilment.

Fulfilment comes from a place of being constantly challenged, adapting to our current situations we find ourselves in and then pushing our limits a little bit further so we can climb a little taller mountain next time.

The journey of finding the next mountain and doing what we have to do to be able to climb that mountain is where fulfilment comes from.

Those mountains can be in different aspects or domains in our lives, but continually seeking out those mountains is what keeps us on our path that's been laid out for us.

We don't have to reach the top of those mountains, as sometime we never will.

But what is important is that we keep climbing, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Heading into this week with a mindset of gratitude for the mountains I've been fortunate to climb in my own life both with strength from God and alongside others.

Those mountains have made me who I am today.

Now it's time to find the next one.

Hitting the road again, eagerly in anticipation to see what awaits.


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Find the Magic in Every Day

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

We can't always be in the places we want to with the people we want to, but we can focus on our surroundings and seek the beauty we find near us.

Finding the magic in our daily lives keeps things fresh when everything goes stagnant, and prevents us from getting complacent.

Seeing what truly is around us gives us a greater sense of gratitude, that makes us even more grateful for those few moments we get to spend with those who make our worlds whole.

Grateful this week for the awesome memories I've shared with some amazing people in the past month, but also really enjoying the daily process of moving forward, and seeing what great views and allure lie around the next corner.

Being home always fills me up with the things I need, but gets me hungry for what's coming next.

Explore more today and find the enchantment that is always around you.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


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Those Who Risk Going Too Far...

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” –T.S. Eliot || Montserrat, ESP 🇪🇸 ||


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EAX Camp and Organizing Priorities

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

A little late on this post, but wanted to really digest all the different nuggets we picked up from EAXCamp a few weeks ago. Taking action should be a core ethos of our message and story. That's why when I found out Evolution Athletics and Jeremy Kane were holding a camp about taking action to get to the next level not just with fitness, but also with lifestyle, I knew I needed to be there.

I also saw it as a final "see you later" to a gym that significantly impacted my view of fitness, lifestyles, and to a greater extent, life.

The EAX Camp was everything I needed right now, as I am going through a period of significant transition in my life, and it gave me an opportunity to think about what I want my lifestyle to look like in my next chapter.

The Camp wasn't just about optimizing my fitness habits, but more about taking some time to think strategically about my fitness and lifestyle. Here was my favorite takeaways from the entire two full days of camp:

  • What are three priorities in your life right now?

  • What are three things you are doing for those priorities right now?

  • What are three things that can get in the way of those priorities?

  • What can I do to get those things out the way of my priorities?

What is interesting to note with these lifestyle focusing questions is how you need to take the time in the first place to work through each of these questions, and how every single activity of your day either supports or takes away from these priorities.

Also, it's ok if these priorities change. That's why it's great to take the time while like at camps like these to think long term about your priorities, fitness and lifestyle. Just be intentional with what you add into and take away from your life. What are your three life priorities right now and what are you willing to do for them?


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Fortune Favors the Prepared Mind

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

“Fortune favors the prepared mind.” - Louis Pasteur || Benton, LA, USA ||

Having been on the road for almost a week now, I’ve started to notice things in myself. .

Being in a constant state of motion physically puts you into a constant state of movement mentally.

But if you want to capitalize on that movement, on those new states you find, you have to be ready.

The best way to be prepared for what a new day or places holds for you is having routine that opens up your mind and body for the day, so you can find a state where you’re ready to receive what the day holds.

Hitting certain areas or touch points of different parts of yourself helps focus you and helps you learn more about yourself and the world around you.

It doesn’t happen overnight, it takes work, a lot of trial and error, and a lot of failing.

Sometimes some habits or routines stick immediately and others seem impossible to start.

But the key is to keep moving.

So find what works for you, and keep moving towards what your travels and your day holds for you.


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Thoughts On Perspective and Context

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

If we want to transform something in our life, we have to walk the edge.

Because on the edge is where we get to see the combination of both worlds: the one we are currently in and the one we are transforming into.

This gives us perspective.

The perspective to see what we are leaving behind and what we have to look forward to.

With perspective comes context.

Why is context so important?

Because it’s the difference between doing something bold and doing something brash.

It’s the difference between doing something that will get us to the next level and doing something that’s only going to hold us back.

Context is the medium that helps us put to use the information we have to use.

Whether we are telling a story, making a decision or just starting a new path, without the right context, we lose meaning.

And when we lose meaning, we lose purpose.

Walking on the edge and finding new edges everyday that push our perspectives to change, gives us the context we need to have meaning and fulfill our purpose.

Safe adventures and living life on the edge this week.


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In Search of Grand Cru

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Constantly in search of Grand Cru.

In French wine making, they have this term.

It’s called Grand Cru.

Only the best vines, planted in the best locations, with the best soil, with steep elevation, that get the best sunlight and produce the best grapes can be called Grand Cru.

There’s something to be taken from this concept, excellence.

The French realized early on that only the best conditions will produce the best grapes

I think we can use the same logic in our own lives.

If we want to produce our own best grapes, we need things like a lot of sunlight (good vibes), established roots in good soil (the environments we choose to put ourselves in), and changes in our elevations (constantly pushing ourselves to new levels).

Yea sure, you can make ok grapes with all the basic elements and a little sunlight. But once you go to make the wine, it’s not going to taste as good as it could be.

We can choose to seek out those conditions that are going to produce Grand Cru grapes in our lives.

And just like the wine, I’d be willing to bet when we produce Grand Cru in our lives, it tastes pretty good!


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Personal Growth and Being Present

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Growth is about movement. It’s about forward progress.

I can’t tell you how many times in the past I’ve tried to just zone out. That’s the easy button.

Just go to some fictitious dark place in your mind where you don’t have to actually feel the work.

Or just turn on Netflix and not have to feel the weight of the situation you’re in.

But all that’s doing is preventing you from achieving your full potential.

Because if you really want to become the best version of yourself, I challenge you to truly be present in every moment.

That means counting every rep in all your workouts, especially when they are tough and all you want to do is turn the music up high and drown out the pain.

Or at work when all you want to do is not be there and focus on something pleasant.

Or in your relationships when all you want to do is not deal with a situation or talk to someone new.

See the only way you’re going to get better is by dealing with the shit right there in front of you, by squaring up with it and putting in the work to learn something from it and not let it devour you.

Crush some demons this week by not letting them get a foothold in your life, and achieve your true potential. Grind early, grind often, safe travels to all.


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Reach Your Highest Altitude

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

How do we know we’ve reached our highest altitude?

We can’t always choose the challenges we want to face, but we do get to choose how we face them.

Exploring the Alps in Switzerland 🇨🇭 last weekend helped me gain a little more altitude for my challenges.

I hope you can find your altitude and follow the path that you’re meant to be on.

Safe travels to all, and keep exploring your path!


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The Basics of Leadership

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

I always find myself people watching in a lot of different situations. My mind starts turning and I want to know why some teams are effective and others aren’t.

Just like common sense is not so common, the same holds true for leadership.

There’s no secret sauce. No hidden weapon. No deep buried lost secrets of antiquity. It’s simple:

  • Hard work

  • Consistency

  • Systems and processes

  • Influence

  • Adaptability

  • Emotional intelligence and empathy .

These are the basics. The better you are at the basics the more effective leader you’re going to be. As long as you’re humble enough to accept that you can always be better at the basics, you’ll never stop improving.


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