
Travel: Schweinfurt

Saturday I had a humbling experience to walk through and see the city of Schweinfurt from a new perspective.

Growing up I was a huge WWII history nerd. I loved it, learning about history, and especially WWII because I think from an early age I recocognized the scale of a period in our world history that affected so many people and steered the course of where we are today as a nation and as a society.

One of the more nuanced campaigns of the allies in the European theater was their bombing campaign.

The reason I bring this up, is because people would normally think, oh yea, bombing, we just bomb everything and that’s how we win. Just start carpet bombing every square mile.

But this isn’t strategy. In war and in life and in business we have limited resources and limited time and we have to make those resources achieve more effects than than the inherent value they have in a shorter period of time than allotted.

So they knew they had to think outside the box. They had to get creative. They started targeting auxiliary systems of the tank, ie the ball bearings that make the wheels and tracks on a tank move.

The factories for the ball bearings were in Schwienfurt. So the allies wanted to hit them hard and provide a devastating blow to German tank production. . They attacked several times, and paid a heavy price. So did the people of Schweinfurt.

Walking through the streets of Schweinfurt today and seeing where these factories used to be and other key locations used during the war gives you something you can’t get playing a video game or watching a documentary.

So if there’s any takeaways for me this weekend it’s getting out and walking the ground to experience what it was like will always be valued over a simulation. And the power of our ingenuity. We owe it to the people we lead and serve to be constantly innovating and seeing what’s next so we can steer the course towards that next horizon now.


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Becoming Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

While we can’t always reach for a little liquid courage, when we find ourselves in uncomfortable situations we can rely on our past experiences and confidence in our abilities to navigate our way through the ambiguity of the situation.

Exploring the French countryside last weekend was uncomfortable in a lot of ways. The French have a certain way to do everything. And if you don’t do it that way they let you know.

But once you push past that initial discomfort, and transcend your comfort zone, that’s where the going gets good.

I’ve found just having a little courage to ask a question, stop at the place that catches your eye, or not worry about making a mistake opens you up to a whole new host of growth and creates opportunities to peel back some layers of the people you find yourself in those situations with.

That’s real courage. Taking chances failing daily so you can learn from them.

While champagne helps you take that first step, if you don’t have courage to stay uncomfortable you may easily take two steps back into your comfort zone.

But like any other skill, we can train ourselves and cultivate our courage, and our ability to not only operate in uncomfortable situations, but to enjoy it and thrive in it.

We can create our own form of liquid courage, take more risks, and get more comfortable with the uncomfortable.


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Travel: Champagne, France

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.

Pursuing the things that make me happy this weekend!

Had the most chill day I’ve had in a long time!

At the core of everything we do, the most important thing is human connection. That’s why some businesses fail, and some crush it. It’s why some leaders are so relatable and you want to follow and others are not.

And that’s truly what the French have figured out here in champagne.

That’s the reason sparkling wine is most commonly referred to as champagne instead of the other way around. It’s because they focus on the human connection. They take the time to turn every person that walks through the doors of their champagne house into raving fans. Because they know those raving fans will go out into the world and sell their brand for them.

Everything else in life works the same way. Focus on the one on one, build the connection and do things that don’t scale, because that is how you scale business, influence and life.

I got introduced to Jennifer and Thierry of Fluteau through friends of friends, and because of our shared love of wine we just were able to connect. That’s what we need to focus on more, where we are the same and the rest will follow.

So with that, cheers to you and your people and I hope they’ve made you as much as my people have made me. Let’s keep building relationships one at a time.

Crossed another one off the bucket list! Dinner at a Michelin Guide restaurant! Still blown away by the flavors, presentation and ingredients! Thank you Château de Courban and Takashi Kinoshita for a fantastic feast that opened my palate and my mind to some wild combinations!

Château de Courban was the perfect launching point for exploring everything Champagne and surrounding wine producing areas had to offer.

Not only was my stay stress free, it was also affordable. Highly recommend checking out Château de Courban for your Champagne getaway!

France proved to be quite a welcomed change of place and was surprisingly a great place to spend Fourth of July weekend. I mean, our ties with the French go back a couple hundred years, so what better way to celebrate independence than tipping the hat to French wine, french cuisine, and the easy going French way of life.

Back to the grind this week, but feeling refreshed, crisp and with an extra pip (!) in my step.


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Four Ways to get the Most out of Traveling

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Travel Planning Tip #1 - Set a Travel Intention:

Before you really start planning you’re trip and getting in the weeds, let’s take out a piece of paper or notebook (maybe even the one you can turn into your travel journal) and write out your why.

Now do it again. And again. And again.

In fact ask yourself but, why? 5 times.

Keep digging deeper until you’ve really discovered your inner reason for traveling, or for your trip.

Setting an intention focuses you on your trip. It provides, meaning, clarity and commitment. By setting an intention we can identify which locations and activities are on our “YASSSS” list and what’s on our “NOPE, NOT FOR ME” list.

Why is this important? . Because if you don’t, you’re going to get FOMO. You’re going to see a bright shiny excursion or tour and get distracted. But if you have your intention you can evaluate every opportunity if it’s for you, and will serve you and your intention.

Sometimes the point of the trip is to wander, to find inspiration or see what you can stumble on to. That’s fine, but recognize if that’s your intention, you’re not going to feel grounded throughout the trip.

Set your intention. Write it down somewhere you’ll see it such as over your computer or on your phone screensaver then use that as your guide, and every time you book something look at that statement and ask yourself “Will this serve my intention for this trip?”.

Not only will this method prevent FOMO, but it’ll keep you ON BUDGET!

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Travel Planning Tip #2 - Accommodation

It’s so easy to book an Airbnb these days, but I think the trick is finding the right one that is going to help you have an amazing trip.

So I put together my list of 5 things to look for when booking an Airbnb

1) Location. Location. Location - will always trump everything else. You have be in the right spot to be in striking distance of the best bars, restaurants, and sights a city has to offer, but if you’re too close, good luck getting a decent night sleep. I try to look at the periphery of a city, that’s the area between the city center and suburbs. It’s usually a decent walking distance to all the major sights. But the real reason I like the periphery is because it’s usually where all the young professionals hang out, I.e. the local watering holes, because down town is where all the tourists stay in in the suburbs are where the families are at. So next time look for something in between!

2) Amenities and finishes - Look for places that have some finishes to them and looks like someone put some thought into it, but aren’t trying hard. If it’s decked out in fancy appliances and expensive furniture, it’s either too good to be true or they are compensating for something. Which brings me to my next point. .

3) Character - Look for the places that have some fun quirks to them. Like funny cabinets or a retro vibe to them. In my experience, I’ve learned the more character the better and the better the stay.

4) The Devils in the details - Maybe it’s making sure the linens are Egyptian cotton. Or leaving a cheese board out for you when you arrive. The best hosts know it’s these little details that make you remember staying at their home and will leave a good impression. The more detailed the host is with the guest experience, the more likely you are to enjoy your stay.

5) That little something extra - Maybe it’s a killer view. A rooftop pool. Exciting outdoor furniture. A hot tub time machine. You never know what’ll find in an Airbnb, but having something fun to enjoy all weekend will make your stay memorable!

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Travel Planning Tip #3 - Transportation

Planes. Trains. And automobiles. Oh the places you will go and the ways you’ll get there…

If there’s anything I’ve learned, the best way to travel is like a local.

I’ve used public transportation, horseback, pack animals, boats (I’m on a boat man), and even golf carts to get to my destinations.

But the best way to get to and in/around your destination is how the locals do it.

It gives you the full experience, and gives you insight to the culture you can’t get from traveling around in a bubble.

So look for the shady guy with the rickety boat or rickshaw and buckle up as you open your eyes to the under belly of a culture.

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Travel Planning Tip #4 Morning Routine

Your time is your most valuable asset. And as such how you spend your time, especially while traveling, should be something you are intentional with.

That’s why I have a morning routine when I travel. It keeps me focused on goals that I want to continue to make progress on, while giving me peace of mind to enjoy my time that I get to spend in a new locale.

Here’s what my routine usually looks like:

  • Wake up (resist reaching for that phone, enjoy some quiet time!) .

  • Make a morning drink such as coffee or tea or whatever the accommodations has available. I also bring small packets of either an energy supplement or Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in case there isn’t something available I can make my own.

  • Spend sometime in the scripture, preferably looking at a peaceful scene and sipping my coffee.

  • Pray and meditate on some things I’m grateful for that day.

  • Grind! Whether it’s just writing a few pages, answering email or any projects I’m working on I still put in work because it helps me continue to make progress on some goals. Plus I think you’ll find being in a new location gives you massively new inspiration and creativity! So take advantage of it! .

  • Workout! Don’t lose sight of those fitness goals! Once I start to lose my focus while working I know it’s time to transition to something physical. This change in state helps me stay productive and gives me an energy boost and good feeling going into a days worth of activities! .

  • Take some photos! Whether it’s of the hotel room or Airbnb, your view from the balcony, or going to for a quick photo walk around your area you’re staying in, morning is the best time to take a few photos as there are less people on the streets and you can get raw shots. I’ve found these are some of my favorite shots I get in all my travels. .

  • Change into my best spelunking outfit and get out there and explore! . Once you crush your morning you can enjoy the day seeing the sites taking it all in, tasting wines and just enjoying each moment!


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Get More Out of Traveling

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

T-Minus 8 Days till take off for Champagne, France!

Traveling has given me so much, and I want to give back to the community.

To help people get more out of their traveling, I’ll be sharing my process on how I plan my trips, and what I’ve learned from all the flights, nights in hotels and airbnbs (and the occasional park bench), and hitting numerous countries in the last year alone, several for the first time and some which I’ve returned to because I enjoyed them so much.

I believe in intentional traveling. That’s how I am able to learn more about myself when I travel.

While I’ll be going over things from traveling alone, and a solo perspective, you can apply these same principles if traveling with a friend or significant other.

But the key to it is communication. Making sure you and your travel partner thoroughly discuss all these points will give you both a better trip, allow you to get more out of it, and come back feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever awaits you back home.

Plus I know with 4th of July coming up and summer travel plans are in full effect right now, everyone will be traveling so I hope the next week of posts helps you get more out of your summer travel plans. . Stay tuned and follow along as we build up to next week’s trip!


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Changing Mindset: As Simple as Changing Your Outfit?

Some days you have to be able to switch certain modes on and off.

And sometimes it’s easy because you literally go through the motions of changing clothes, from pants that say “I’m ready to do my walkabout” to suited up.

That physical transition helps you make a mental transition. Just the same as changing venues or locations. But sometimes you don’t have that luxury.

Sometimes you have to go from one type of engagement or meeting to another and have to completely change your mindset or approach because what was true in the first meeting or engagement isn’t necessarily true in the second.

Do an assessment of your audience everytime you walk through the door and tailor your approach to the people right then and there in front of you to communicate your message and achieve your objectives.

How do you calibrate yourself when going from one meeting to the next? .


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Traveling Taught Me: Abundance Mindset

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Travel has taught me so much about not only the world we live in, but about myself. I go to places and pick places that help me create new parts about myself.

I love going to new places and learning about the history, the culture, and the wine, but more importantly I enjoy figuring out what these new places are teaching me about myself.

New environments give you new stimulus. They help your neurons and synapses fire in new ways. They create neural pathways on how you think and perceive the world.

Finding out these new things about yourself will do amazing new things for you that you never thought possible, because you can’t think that way yet because you’re not there in those new environments yet, adjusting how your synapses are firing and creating new pathways.

So let’s blaze some new trails in our brains and in our lives and see what new ways to look at the world we can come up with. That is true abundance.

How has traveling taught you an abundance mindset? .


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Who's Coming Traveling With Me? (No, Really!)

Traveling is about adapting to changes in your situation, and creating a newer, better version of yourself. It’s about evolving and taking the next step in your journey.

That’s why I’m super excited to announce the next step in my journey with traveling. Over the next several months I’ll be curating destinations and experiences to various locations in Europe. I’ll also be creating opportunities for people to join me in my travels and together forge some amazing memories. This will be a trial phase for some big things I have in the works for later this year.

I’d love to include you in my journey and take you with me on my travels. So now is the time to take action. If you’d like more information on the first trip over July 4th weekend to The wine producing region of Champagne, France, shoot me a message and I’d love to tell you more about the trip and see if you’d be a good fit. . This is only the beginning. Now you know - Who’s ready to travel? .


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How to Win the Game of Life

It took me a few weeks to really digest the flashy displays of opulence and luxe at Monte Carlo. But Monaco has a rich history and has played its part in European history. It’s not just for filming great scenes for stunning movies like Goldeneye or Ironman 2.

I think at its very essence is the spirit of CHANCE and OPPORTUNITY. I’ve noticed a lot of times we find ourselves in situations where we are presented with an opportunity. It’s usually someone crosses our path. And we are faced with a DECISION. Either pay no attention to that person or opportunity and keep going the way we were going. Or make the most of that moment and take ACTION.

Whether it’s talking to the stranger on the airplane, stopping an influential person you see in the gym for a quick connection, or going up to a speaker at an event, we all have OPPORTUNITIES placed in front of us.

The question for me is can I identify the opportunities presented to me, and position myself to take advantage of those opportunities to ENHANCE MY LIFE and my organizations.

There’s nothing to be gained by saying nothing, walking the other way, or just being a face in a crowd. Here’s a few tips I’ve used in the past to identify opportunities and EXECUTE on them:

1) If this person has captured my gaze for an extended period of time. Whether it’s admiring from a far, or locking eyes there’s a reason why your attracted to them. It could be their VIBE or GLOW, or you just feel something in your gut. Listen to your INTUITION and make a move. Say hello, introduce yourself, give your elevator pitch.

2) Now your job is to listen. Hear their story, show empathy and understand their position. Use this time they’re communicating to look for an opportunity to build a connection and relationship. Ask clarifying questions and help them identify to you what some of their challenges are right now and show you’re CONNECTED in your SHARE of having issues or struggles as well.

3) FOLLOW UP. Either phone, email or social media, strengthen an in person connection with follow up. This will increase your chances of something fruitful coming from this opportunity. I also love making notes. I’ve found iPhone contacts to be a great place to record my notes from a new connection like “likes ice cream” (who doesn’t?) and is a dog person (must love dogs).

Turn your chances into connections, and create more opportunities by seizing the right moments, and I like to think that’s how we win the game of life.


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Waking up on the Wrong Side of the Bed...Monday Morning Mood.

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Making the most of my marvellous Monday in a magnificent mood. But it didn’t start that way.

It started off in a not so glamorous mood. Whether it was sleep or just not vibin’ right this morning, definitely woke up on the wrong side of my twin sized mattress I’m sleeping on right now, which you would think is hard to do because it’s a twin…

So I did what I knew would shift me back into at least a neutral state and did an hour of cardio this morning in the gym. Still wasn’t 100% but was turning the tide back to where I wanted to be.

Then I got to the airport. Had a guy in front of me totally lose it in security and had me waiting 15 min to get my bag because it had to be searched. But I recentered and put some good jams on, and chose I was going to have an awesome day. After all, everyday is a good day to travel!

We can choose our mood and the mode or mental state we want to be in. And for me, having cues like a certain song or a cup of coffee helps.

I’d love to know what helps you get into the mood or mode you need to be in. Let me know what works for you, because you never know who will read it and needed to get that idea so they can learn how to shift their mood! Happy grinding this week.


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You Can't Quantify Happiness

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Looking back at my last day in the French Riviera a couple weekends ago was a flood of emotions and memories, but I realized also it’s important while I was reflecting because it represents country #21 for me.

There’s a shift right now in our cultures to move away from quantifying things. People are saying you can’t quantify things like happiness, and can’t put a number on fulfillment. While I do agree you can’t quantify your entire life, and that it doesn’t come down to any one number, I think metrics are super important, and help me bring abstract ideas like success and fulfillment into reality.

That’s why I track the number of countries I’ve been to. It’s not just the number itself, but what it represents. All the amazing memories I’ve made in the 21 countries I’ve been to so far. It also gives me metrics to identify if I am on the right track, If I’m headed down the right path, because I can assess how I feel about myself and others as my metrics change throughout my own personal journey. It gives me focus and helps me prioritize my resources like my time.

While we can’t quantify all aspects of our lives, keeping track of certain metrics that are important to us help us in each of our individual journeys.

What numbers are you tracking and do you find helpful in your journey? .


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Cannes Film Festival

Finally got around to picking out some of my favorites from checking out Festival de Cannes. I was basically a kid in a candy store checking out all the spots, the red carpet and international village. If you look close, might see some movies coming up on the horizon!!

If you know you want to do something, no matter how crazy, far flung, or out of reach you think it is, just go and do it. Everything else will fall into place. Don’t let goals turn into regrets.

The Cannes Film Festival has always been on my list, because yes it’s in a beautiful place, and you have the red carpet, and the stars, and the food and wine. But really for me, it’s about the celebration of the arts, bringing together the best of the international film community, and showcasing the best everyone has to offer. It gives people a chance to try new things, to innovate and be different.

How are you innovating and being different this week? .


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Creative Inspiration in Cannes

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Can’t believe I got to checkout Cannes last weekend. All the sights, sounds and smells really fuelled my creativity and captivated my imagination.

Creating is about finding what you find in yourself, and using that to drive your creative process. The deeper you go down the rabbit hole, I think the more you find out about you and the better you get at creating.

Creating doesn’t just soothe my soul, it fires it up. It allows me to speak to my core.

Being able to write and create allows me tell a story, and just like anything else, the more you write, the more you create, the better you get at it. You learn how to pick better words over time to more adequately describe, people, places and situations.

Even more so, you learn to pick up on the subtleties of transferring emotions or feelings to the audience. To show them through the story the full range of emotions you are trying to capture.

I believe this builds connection with your audience. And that connection is powerful. Here’s to more creating in the world.

P.S. checkout that selfie stick photo bombing my picture on the left! Just getting a taste of my own medicine…


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Travel Highlights: Nice and Cannes

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Hello from Nice! You could say it’s nice.

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Shirt untucked. Wine in hand. Vacation mode on.


I came. I saw. I Cannesquered.

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Navigating the “high sophistication” of French Society in a place like Nice (the city on the French Riviera, not the adjective, made that mistake before myself ) can seem daunting at first.

I’ve found that you just need to look a little closer, and dig a little deeper and uncover some of their ethos that they find fulfilling in their everyday life.

If you take a moment and step back to enjoy the sights, savor the wine, and sample the best that its people has to offer, I think you just might find your own kind of magic.

What they apply to their everyday life in Nice, I think we can apply to our everyday lives and how we live them no matter what mode or season of life we may find ourselves in.

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Found a new replacement for the iron throne in Cannes. Too soon?

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

To wrap up, here’s some lazy Sunday inspiration/outdoor space goals from Cannes…


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Travel: Monaco

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Still replaying all the moments from a stunning, surreal, and spectacular weekend. Thankful for the opportunities to visit these places, and grateful for the perspective these experiences have given me. Got to cross two items off the bucket list: .

1) Attend an F1 race in person (not to mention at Monaco, one of the toughest and trickiest tracks on the circuit, and get to see Lewis Hamilton take the well deserved first place)

2) See the Monte Carlo Casino Royale, in Monaco. Still blown away by the magnificent interiors of the classically styled casino (BOLO for my own take on Monaco).

If there’s something I’ve learned in the last four days, it’s that trips never line up with expectations. But they have the potential to exceed your expectations and ideas of your trip, if you re-frame you perspective and mindset.

It’s ok to cultivate multiple options, and have a giant wish list for your trip or travel plans, but realize you’re not going to see it all or in the way you imagined. Where the real magic happens is when you commit wholeheartedly to an event, activity, sight, or restaurant. Does that mean you can’t go with the flow and see where the day ( or night) will take you? No. But by committing to something, you force yourself to get out there and take the first step. I’ve found it usually sets you up with an adventurous day, and you never end up where you thought you would.

Anyone else guilty of trying to cram a couple thousand years of history, 12 course meals, and all the bars and clubs into a weekend trip before?


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Travel: Münster


Made the most of Münster! Didn’t want to leave!

A nice place to spend a week, weekend or more. If I had to describe the city in one sentence, college town meets German holiday. Whether you want a relaxing weekend spent focusing on down time, or a jam packed week full of excursions, activities and fine dining, Münster delivers. I hope you enjoy what I’ve found for you.


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Sometimes You Need to Suit Up!


Sometimes you just need to suit up.

Reminiscing on last month’s trip to the theater in Venice to see the opera.

If I’ve learned anything over the last couple months, it’s that rule #1 is always in effect. .


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Travel: Stories from Europe

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

No Sunday scaries here, only stories. Captured here are so many things going on not only in this moment in time, but in our lives as well. I was able to draw out a few lessons from this moment that transcends different times, but also different cultures.

1) The Florian is the Oldest “Caffè” in Europe, and has been serving coffee and tea since 1720. This isn’t its only title, Caffè Florian history can be expounded on for days. But the Caffè serves as a symbol, regardless of how long its been around, as a homage to other times.

2) Which makes this point important. Remember your roots, and where you came from, and keep traditions alive. The white jacket is not just a uniform but a representation of the ideals this Caffè and most of Venice stand for, service and experience. Guests and patrons want to be transformed into 1800s tea house and art salon guests with their white coat waiters serving them.

3) Lastly the moment that this photo embodies. Be present. Or you might not get to put your tea/coffee order in. So a nod to simpler times.

What traditions do you still keep alive?


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Travel: Romania

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

Got to checkout Bucharest this week, and in the process check off country #19, Romania!

What a lively city, that comes alive at night and stays alive through the morning.⠀

The best part of the trip was the people (just like every time). What I truly came to respect about Romanians was their ability to not look up, or down, but just straight ahead, and focus on what they have going on around them. I think that’s something we all can strive for.

Super worn out from a long week of traveling with multiple flights, road trips, meetings and dinners. I think it’s a double edge sword, in that the travel grind wears you out, but it leaves you wanting to come back for more. But a few days of grounding, hard workouts to work off those calories(!), and reset the diet is just what the doctor ordered! Safe travels.


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Travel: Opportunity and Possibility

Kris Levy Wine and Fitness

This view always pumps me up. It focuses me on the task at hand. It’s forces me to mentally prepare for a new location, new language, new people, new culture, new challenges.

This is what gets me into my zone. It shifts my mindset. It fills me up with inspiration and ideas. The possibilities are endless.

Maybe you know what your final destination is, but in many ways you don’t know what’s in store for you. You don’t know all the details your final destination will hold. But I hope that excites you, like it excites me.

Super grateful and fortunate that I get opportunities to travel to some far flung places, meet some fascinating people, try fanciful foods, and create fantastic memories with fastidious details in the the finer points of adventuring.


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